New Orleans swimming pool.
Here is a gem! It was designed by Kevin Knott with Crystal Pools. It features a wrap around raised charcoal stucco wall with 6 spitters. The oversized suntan ledge features a urn set of a pedistal with a bubbling fountain built into it The pool features glass tile and white plaster. The decking consists of ivory travertine coping and a rare silver travertine french pattern deck. Final photos to be posted on photo page.
This New Orleans swimming pool had a different shape than we have ever built.
It was pretty much rectangular but the two right sides had arches. In the middle we decided to put a rectangular suntan ledge on this New Orleans swimming pool. We also put two circles, one on each side that swooped into this New Orleans swimming pool. Like stated prior we decided to do a different travertine color to give this New Orleans swimming pool a feel as though it has been there for a very long time. Like stated prior we decided to go with real stucco as opposed to synthetic to give it an old world feel. We went with white plaster as opposed to our traditional blue colors because we installed a beautiful glass tile that if we would have went with a blue coloring the tile would have got lost but with the white plaster the tile really stands out!
The owners also had an old porch with iron trellis with a mature vine growing on it and the concrete under it was un-level, so we decided to put the travertine pavers here to make it level and tie it into the pool rather than being a separate entity. Lastly on this New Orleans swimming pool we installed the urn with a pipe in it on a valve, so that the owner could have the water bubble out and overflow the urn.
I’d say this New Orleans swimming pool turned out wonderfully!!!
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